Jerseyman Island

Jerseyman Island
Jerseyman Island was named after the Jersey traders who had established fishing posts there in the late 1700’s. The lighthouse at Jerseyman Island was established in 1872 and is located at the northwest entrance to Arichat. The first keeper was Charles Boudrot. After storm damage in 1873, cable stays and cribwork were added to the lighthouse. The original light station consisted of a tower, with a small dwelling attached and a shed. The dwelling was expanded in 1895. Otherwise everything remained as it was until 1950 when a new lighthouse and dwelling were built. In 1978 Jerseyman Island Light was destaffed. The dwelling was declared surplus in 1980 and sold. It was floated to Arichat and is now a private dwelling. The lighthouse remained in place until early in the summer of 2017 when it was demolished. A new modular aluminum-framed lighthouse was erected there in September of that year.
Lightkeepers at Jerseyman Island:
Charles Boudrot July 1872 - Sept. 1873
Simon Babin Sr Sept. 1873 - Sept. 1877
Simon Babin Jr Dec. 1877 - March 1883
Georges Vigneau March 1883 - May 1905
Alphonse Theriault May 1905 - January 1931
Joseph Martell Jan. 1931 - March 1931
Irving Latimer April 1931 - Sept. 1955
Abel LeBlanc Sept. 1955 - Nov. 1978
Grandique Point

The first lighthouse, a pole light, was established at Grandique in 1884. After the opening of the St. Peter's Canal, Lennox Passage saw an increase in marine traffic. For safety reasons, lighthouses were established along the route. The first keeper was Daniel Clough. Due to erosion at the Grandique spit of land, the pole light was moved in 1900 and in 1906 a proper lighthouse was built. Storm damage caused the Grandique Point lighthouse to be moved for a second time. In the winter of 2010, the lighthouse was moved to its present location. Grandique Point Lighthouse is located within Lennox Passage Provincial Park in Martinique on the north side of Isle Madame.
The last lightkeeper at Grandique was Stanley Forgeron who took over in 1960. In 1961 Forgeronbecame a caretaker as the light was delisted.
Lightkeepers at Grandique Point:
Daniel Clough 1884-1908
D A Kaulbach 1908-1909
C A Kaulbach 1909-1919
Charles Shannon 1909-1923
John Doiron
Henry Young
Melvin Shannon 1939-1960
Stanley Forgeron 1960-1961/1961-1968
Cap la Ronde

Cap la Ronde Lighthouse
The Cap la Ronde Lighthouse was established in 1874. It stood on a cape overlooking Lennox
Passage, the Bay of Rocks and St. Peter’s Bay. The lighthouse at Cap la Ronde was in an excellent spot to guide mariners into St. Peter’s Bay, which led in turn into the Bras d’Or Lake. The light station consisted of the tower with an attached dwelling, as well as an outbuilding. Charles Lattimore was the first light keeper. In 1950 the original lighthouse was removed and replaced by a tower on top of a shed. Cap la Ronde Light was destaffed in 1966. Now there is only a lighted buoy as a marking.
Cap la Ronde Lightkeepers:
Charles Lattimore Dec. 1874 - April 1899
John Mauger May 1899 - 1928
Edwin Poirier 1928 - 1938
Alphonse Samson 1938 - 1966
Marache Point

Marache Point Light
The first lighthouse on Isle Madame was built after a petition was sent to the legislature requesting a lighthouse. This was denied, and as a result, local people were given permission to construct one themselves in 1849. The Commissioner of Lighthouses deemed this one unacceptable, resulting in a grant being provided to upgrade the building in 1851. The first light keeper was Joseph Coste. This was still a small building with no space for a keeper to live there. By 1869 a larger lighthouse with space for accommodations was constructed. It was not until 1949 that the lighthouse station was rebuilt. A separate house was included along with a boathouse and a shed. In 1970 the lighthouse was destaffed; it was the only building to remain. All other station buildings were declared surplus and put up for sale. The keeper’s house is now a private dwelling in Arichat. In December 2027, the lighthouse was demolished. A modular aluminum-framed building was brought in by road in January 2018. This lighthouse looks like the original pepper pot lighthouse that preceded it.
Marache Point Lightkeepers
Joseph Coste 1851 - July 1975
Christopher DeCoste July 1875 - October 1898
William Lavashe October 1898 - 1918
Michael McGrath 1918 - 1928
Jeffrey LeBlanc 1929 - 1950
Harry LeBlanc 1950 - May 1970
Green Island

The Green Island lighthouse was established in 1865, the first coastal light to be placed between Louisbourg and the Gut of Canso. It is located to the southeast of Petit de Grat Island. The first station consisted of a combined lighthouse and dwelling, a storey and a half building with the light at one end. In 1927, this was replaced by a two-storey building with the light in the centre of the roof. In 1963 the light was changed from an oil vapour lamp to a diesel generated light. In 1967 a skeleton steel tower with an enclosed fibreglass stairwell was constructed. The station now consisted of a two-storey dwelling, a second smaller dwelling and a third bungalow as well as a fog alarm building, oil stores building, a boat house and the lighthouse. A new round fibreglass tower was installed in 1986 and is still on the island today. Green Island Lighthouse was destaffed in 1986.
Lightkeepers are listed below. As Green Island was somewhat remote from Isle Madame, and the light had to be shining for 24 hours a day, there needed to be assistant keepers to insure that the light was always lit. It is interesting to note that the job of light keeper was often passed along in families. Note the three Duanns. As well, Amédée Boudreau, Conrad Landry and Gary Landry are all members of the same family.
Green Island Lightkeepers:
Patrick Duann (1865-1871)
William Duann (1871-1902)
William A Duann (1902-1912)
Edward E Boudreau (1912-1923)
Harry T Boudreau (1923-1932)
Amédée Boudreau (1932-1952)
Conrad Landry (1932-1982)
Valdor Boudreau (1982)
Gary Landry (1982-1986)
Critchton Head

Crichton Head Lighthouse
Crichton Head Lighthouse, the first lighthouse to be established in the West Arichat area, was constructed in 1873. In the Great August Gale of August 24, 1873, the lighthouse was blown over and had to be rebuilt in 1874. Stays were added to make the structure more secure. Crib protection was needed at the water's edge from the time the lighthouse was built. Crichton Head Light was named after the island on which the lighthouse was located: Crichton Island
Lightkeepers of Crichton Head
Henry Hatton Crichton (1874-1921)
Clement Cutler (1921-1922)
Robert Poirier (1922-1958)
Herman Gerroir (1958-1960)
Curtis Babin (1960-1961)

Mouse Island
Mouse Island
The Mouse Island Lighthouse, opened in 1876, was first known as the Petit de Grat Light. The
first official keeper was Zepherin (Ferron) Boudreau in 1877. This lighthouse was located in the harbour between the main island of Isle Madame and the island of Petit de Grat on the
southeast of Isle Madame. There was much crib work needed for this small island light. The Mouse Island Light was dismantled in 1966, eventually replaced by a skeletal tower.
Lightkeepers of Mouse Island
Ferron Boudreau (1877 - 1882)
Calixte Bouchie (1882 - 1897)
Edward Landry (1897 - 1912)
Xavier Marchand (1912 - 1932)
Harry E. Boudreau (1932 - 1932)
Raymond Boudreau (1932 - 1961)
Ile Ouetique

Ile Ouetique
The lighthouse at Ile Ouetique was established in 1874 to assist mariners in navigating Lennox Passage. When the first lighthouse was built, the dwelling and tower were attached. A new lighthouse was built in 1949. This again had the dwelling and tower attached.
Cecil Sampson 1874-1907
Frederick Burke 1907-1929
Abraham Pottie 1929 (until at least 1937)
Abel LeBlanc 1951-1955
Howard Doyle 1955-1964
West ArIchat Range Lights 1
West Arichat Range Lights
The West Arichat Range Lights (Front and Back) were opened on September 1, 1904. These lights were established as a guide for mariners entering into the West Arichat Harbour. At the beginning these lights were manned by separate keepers. During the tenure of Willie Corey and Leon Paulin, the keepers looked after both range lights. The front tower was placed on sand on what is presently called Delorier Island, named after the family (Deslauriers) who lived there.
The back tower, often called the Cove Light, was built on the main island of Isle Madame.
Lightkeepers of West Arichat Range Front Tower
Edward Delorey (1904-1921)
Joseph Delorey
A. Miller (1921-1923)
Willie Clorey (1950's)
Leon Paupin (1960-1965)
Lightkeepers of West Arichat Range Back Tower
Michel Gerroir (1904-1916)
Abram Theriault (1916-1919)
Barbe Theriault (1919-1923)
Willie Clorey (1950's)
Leon Paupin (1960-1965)
Glasgow Point

Glasgow Point Lighthouse
The first lighthouse to be erected at Glasgow Point was a pole light in 1884. A new tower lighthouse was built in 1896; a small dwelling was attached. A few small buildings were added. The first keeper was Charles Forest. There is an interesting story about his demise, recorded in Mac-Talla, a Gaelic paper published in Cape Breton:
Charles Forest, the lighthouse keeper at Glassyk’s Point, C.B., and his wife, passed away on the 30 th of May (1894). They were poisoned by a plant they found in their garden. They thought that it was a white carrot and they ate it, but it killed them within a few hours. Their son went out fishing a while before that: if he was at home, there’s not a doubt that he would have been poisoned as well.
Mac-Talla Vol.2 No.46, June 9, 1894 Translation provided by Baile nan Gàidheal | Highland Village Museum.
Lightkeepers of Glasgow Point
Charles Forrest (1884-1894)
Abraham Clory (1894-1933)
West Arichat Pole Light

West Arichat Pole Light
This light was established in 1914 for clear identification of the wharf by mariners. It was attached to the outer wall of the shed at the end of the West Arichat wharf. The lantern for the West Arichat Pole Light was raised and lowered much like a flag. The shed and the pole were dismantled in the 1950’s. Joe Mury and Isaie Babin assisted Maud (Babin / Mury) Dugas during her tenure.
Lightkeepers of West Arichat Pole Lighthouse
Peter Dugas ( late 1930's - 1946)
Maud Dugas (1946-1955)
Hawk Island

Hawk Island Lighthouse
The Hawk Island Lighthouse was established in 1904. It marks the southeastern entrance to Lennox Passage. The first keeper was Thomas Boudreau. The light station consisted of a dwelling with a lantern room above, as well as outbuildings. The lighthouse was destaffed about 1962 and later removed. The out buildings were sold.
Hawk Island Lightkeepers
Thomas Boudreau 1901 - 1904
Bartholomew Boudreau 1904 - 1912
Henry Young 1912 - 1919
Lamond Landry 1919 - 1922
Frankie Landry 1922 - 1954
Leonard LeBlanc 1954 - 1962