Guided Lighthouse Tours

The Isle Madame Lighthouse Preservation Society was formed to help preserve the
heritage of the lighthouse community on Isle Madame. The group is working toward saving the
words, pictures and buildings that tell the stories of life at sea and on this island. Through the
Guiding Lights of Isle Madame tour this island heritage will be shared with visitors. The tour is
a fund-raiser for the Isle Madame Lighthouse Preservation Society.
Guiding Lights of Isle Madame is a guided driving and walking tour of historiclighthouses of Isle Madame. Visitors meet at the lighthouse in Lennox Passage Provincial Park.History of the local lighthouses, the waterway, shipping and the community is shared. As
tourists get into their cars to travel to the next lighthouse, they are supplied with CD’s or USB drives that hold stories, interviews and music. These are co-ordinated to fit with the area inwhich the tourists are traveling. At each stop, more historical data, stories and local anecdotes will be shared.

This is a 2 - 3 hour tour and would definitely help to whet the visitors’ appetite for morevof the coastline. There are no other lighthouse tour operators on Isle Madame, and to my knowledge, no others on Cape Breton Island. Thus, as a unique experience, it could draw people onto Cape Breton and leave them with a feeling of wanting more of the coastline experience.
Tours run during the months of July, August, September and October. Contact Marg Herdman (902-227-8303) to arrange a tour. Start times are flexible. Guiding Lights tours are available during Celtic Colours as part of the Celtic Colours community events.